
The Sacrifice of Imam Hussain (RA) at Karbala

The Invitation from the People of Kufa

The caliph Muawiyah passed away in 60 AH and passed on the caliphate to his son Yazeed, despite strong objections from many prominent Muslims. Not long after, people in Kufa wrote letters inviting Hussain ibn Ali, the grandson of prophet Muhammad, to lead them against Yazeid’s tyrannical rule. They promised to support Hussain.

Hussain Sends Muslim ibn Aqeel

Hussain, who was in Mecca at the time, sent his cousin Muslim ibn Aqeel to Kufa to assess the situation. Muslim found widespread support and people pledged allegiance to Hussain. He wrote comforting letters back to Hussain.

The Situation Changes in Kufa

However, Yazeed appointed Ubaidullah ibn Ziyad as the new Governor of Kufa and Basra. He cracked down on any opposition. Muslim ibn Aqeel was betrayed and captured. Despite his bravery, Muslim was eventually martyred. The support for Hussain crumbled in Kufa.

Hussain’s Journey to Kufa

Setting Off with Family and Companions

When Hussain received Muslim’s concerning last letters, he decided to set off for Kufa with a small band of 72 men, family members and children to confront oppression, regardless of the risks.

Stopped on the Road to Kufa

On the way, Hussain received news of the situation change in Kufa. Meanwhile, Yazeed’s forces intercepted and blocked Hussain’s route, confining them to the dry plains of Karbala, at a location called Dayr Abum Hassun.

The Tragedy of Ashura at Karbala

Refusing Allegiance to Yazeed

In Karbala, the Umayyad army commanded by Hurr called on Hussain to pledge allegiance to Yazeed. Hussain boldly refused, saying he would only submit to a rightful Caliph.

The Battle Begins

On 10th Muharram 61 AH (680 AD), after cutting off Hussain’s access to water, the enemy forces launched an attack against Hussain’s small camp. Hussain’s companions defended bravely despite being massively outnumbered.

Martyrdom of Hussain ibn Ali

One by one, all of Hussain’s loyal companions and male family members were martyred, including his beloved son Ali Al-Akbar. Finally, the greatly wounded Hussain himself was brutally beheaded by Shimr after putting up great resistance alone against the army.

The Aftermath

Hussain’s body was decapitated, and his family was taken as prisoners to Kufa and Damascus. Eventually, they were released and returned to Medina due to remorse showed by Yazeid. Hussain’s sacrifice established the importance of standing against tyranny in Islam.

Lessons from the Tragedy

Upholding Moral Values

The martyrdom of Hussain proved that tyranny and falsehood can never overcome the truth. Hussain chose to sacrifice everything in the way of Allah rather than show allegiance to an unjust ruler.

Supporting the Oppressed

Hussain helped establish the Shia tradition of supporting the oppressed. Shiites around the world commemorate Ashura to honor Hussain’s revolutionary stance against injustice.

Defending Islamic Values

Hussain defended Prophet Muhammad’s family honor and Islamic values of justice and morality in the face of a corrupt caliph. His martyrdom reaffirmed the importance of safeguarding Islam’s high principles. The Sacrifice of Imam Hussain (RA) at Karbala

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